Hi there!

Welcome to Willow Investment Group. My husband Lupe and I created this company in 2020 after being motivated to take our financial future into our own hands.

Our Story

In 2020, Lupe and I found ourselves stuck in demanding full-time careers, feeling trapped by our capped income. Then, something shifted. With the arrival of our two beautiful daughters, our priorities changed, and we yearned for financial freedom beyond relying solely on our hard-earned wages. And that’s when real estate investing entered the picture.


As we delved into the world of real estate, we realized its potential to outshine even the stock market (where we had been squirreling away our savings). We immersed ourselves in the art of mitigating risks through thorough underwriting and market analysis, and we were hooked! In no time, we saw our escape from the monotonous rat race right before our eyes. Within just three short years, we waved goodbye to our old 9-to-5s and embraced real estate as our full-time gig.


Now, our passion lies in sharing this powerful investment strategy with others!

Our Focus

Our focus is to simplify the process of commercial real estate investing, leverage our trusted network of commercial real estate experts, and ensure that everyone involved is knowledgeable about the process.  We seek out high-quality investments through conservative underwriting.  

Lupe Arroyo

Lupe Arroyo is a dynamic and driven individual, making his mark in the world as the Co-Founder and Acquisitions Director of Willow Investment Group. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in finance and insurance, Lupe expertly handles all acquisitions and oversees day-to-day operations for the company’s diverse portfolio. His sharp eye for unique opportunities and unwavering determination have catapulted Willow Investment Group to great success.


When he’s not closing deals or analyzing market trends, you can find Lupe enjoying one of his favorite pastimes – watching sports. While he appreciates all athletic competitions, baseball holds a special place in his heart.


But above all else, Lupe values his family. Blessed with two beautiful daughters and a fantastic wife who also happens to be his business partner, he knows that their love and support are what truly drives him to succeed. 

Lupe Arroyo is changing the investment game one transaction at a time.

Savannah Arroyo, RN, MSN

Savannah has worked as a Registered Nurse for over 10 years, with extensive experience in nursing leadership. Through her personal brand, Networth Nurse, Savannah has helped hundreds of healthcare professionals with their finances.  In 2020 she co-founded Willow Investment Group, which allows healthcare professionals to passively invest in real estate through syndications.


Eager to address financial literacy for the entire healthcare community, Savannah sought to expand her efforts with the creation of InvestHealth, a Financial Wellness platform for healthcare professionals. Her expertise and passion for financial well-being have made her well-equipped to make a difference in the healthcare industry. With an optimistic outlook on achieving meaningful change in the sector, Savannah is dedicated to providing comprehensive support that will help healthcare professionals take ownership of their financial future.  


Very active on social media, Savannah gives people an inside look into her life as a nurse, real estate investor and her all-time favorite role – mom. 

Want to learn how to invest with us?

We are excited to meet you and to learn about you and your financial goals.